Can I just rant for a few moments here? If I were friends with Pamie she could do her next post on “Activating Heather” and I could rant there, but I don’t know her so I’ll have to do it here. (And Pamie, if you are reading this, keep me in mind, I’m an awesome ranter and just love you oh so much).
I’m a little perplexed by some of the people in my life right now. Not in my personal life (thank the stars), but my professional one. See, just about every other person I know is looking for a job right now. Let me actually rephrase that to “looking” for a job…
You see, in case you weren’t aware, the economy, is not good. Many, many companies are experiencing layoffs right now. I know a good handfull of the folks who have been laid off just in the last 3 or 4 months. All of them are out “looking” for a job now. But really, only a few of them are really looking.
I hear the excuses: “I haven’t actually started searching yet”, “My resume just isn’t quite ready”, “No one is even hiring anyway”, “I don’t really know what I want to do”, “The stuff on the job boards is all crap anyway” and it really just ticks me off. If you want to make a change in your life or you HAVE to make a change in your life, then just get started on it. Go watch some Gary V videos and get inspired to WORK for what you want.
Looking for a job doesn’t mean checking once a morning to see what pops up. Its putting yourself out there. Its updating your connections on LinkedIN, its going to your local networking events, its learning something new about your field. Its WORK. Because in this economy, no one is going to get a job just by sending out a couple of resumes a day. And I hope it stays that way. I hope even after the financial situation returns to normal that it is still tough and competitive out there. Because that will mean the businesses in this country have finally learned to hire hard working, efficient employees who care about their jobs and their careers.