Ultimate Brand Development Template



The Ultimate Brand Development Template will guide you through the process of mapping out your brand, what your brand means to your customers, what you want it to mean to your customers, how your products and services can benefit your customers, and how you can clearly and succinctly communicate that to them.

But it’s so much more than that — the entire brand development process is covered in-depth. Here’s what you get:

  • A clear path to mapping out your new or existing brand, including a series of branding exercises
  • Mission statement development
  • Benefits statement development for all your products and services
  • Help with color and typography
  • Strategies to align what you do with what your target customers need and want
 Most people struggle with everything above, and they struggle hard. They spend months and years trying to map out the tiniest little details of their branding…

And the sad part is, very few of those annoying details actually mean a damn thing to your audience.

By the way, there’s a companion template to this one that helps you map out your target customers and how best to reach them. Click the button below to learn more about the Ultimate Customer Persona Template.

About Blue Steele Solutions

We are a digital marketing agency focused on generating leads and increasing sales for our clients through stellar branding, impactful websites and content marketing.

If you're looking for a partner to help you meet your marketing goals or you have a project that needs an expert touch, let's talk.


Brand Development Is Complicated — We Make It Easier

The toughest part of developing a brand is figuring out where to start…

And when to stop. 

Time after time after time, we see business owners struggle to get the ball rolling. They mostly just do their thing and put off the brand development phase until it’s far too late.

Or, they do the opposite, and they become paralyzed by the intricacies of brand creation, development, and management. They spend way too much time working on the tiniest little detail, and they end up missing the forest because of their tree obsession.

Neither of these are productive.

With The Ultimate Brand Development Template, you get a walkthrough that’s not too short, not too long, and that keeps you balanced between not doing enough and doing way too much…

We’re perfect-temp porridge, and you, my friend, are Goldilocks.

Optimize Your Brand for Your Customer (Not for You)

One of the biggest mistakes we see, over and over, is folks who have created something that appeals to a particular type of customer — whether it be a product or a service — and who surround that with a brand that in no way appeals to their target customers.

And then they wonder why they can’t make any sales.

The Ultimate Brand Development Template helps you sidestep that serious issue. Nothing can bring a brand crashing down quite like missing the mark with the people they’re trying to sell to.

The process of this template forces you to think about your brand in light of your customers. It helps you build out benefits statements for all your products and services that are designed to appeal to your customers (instead of just to you).

The biggest reason business owners struggle to reach their customers effectively? They’re just in too deep. They can’t get outside of their own business (and their own heads) and think about what it is the customer wants.

And trying to do that on your own? That’s an exercise in futility. Without a clear guide, you’re going to be spinning your wheels trying to pretend you’re something you’re not.

Unless you’re a trained actor, you’re going to need a guide. That’s what The Ultimate Brand Development Template does best. It shows you how to do something that just doesn’t come naturally to most people.

Get the Ultimate Brand Development Template Now

Get The Ultimate Brand Development Template today. Begin the journey of clarifying who you are, what you do, and why your customers should give a dang.


If you want to get The Ultimate Brand Development Template together with The Ultimate Customer Persona Template, a $20 value…

For only $14.99…

Then check out The Ultimate Bundle


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